You’re probably familiar with those makeover TV shows where a trainer works with someone to get healthy and lose weight by teaching a new way of diet and exercise. The end result is the absolute best version of that person—fit and healthy, equipped and ready to take on the world!

That’s a little bit like what’s been going on behind the scenes at TAG for the last year as we’ve partnered with the global ministry, Awana. During the last 12 months, The A Group and Awana teams have been working together to create a new global brand for this leading children's ministry. This year-long rebranding campaign had several goals:

  • Position Awana as a relevant, trusted, and proven resource for children's ministry
  • Create a one-voice brand as a global leader in Bible-based children's ministry and discipleship
  • Build awareness among new audiences
  • Engage internal and external stakeholders

In order to achieve these objectives, TAG guided Awana in a rebranding campaign, helping create new branding language and visuals, including video, photography, and advertising. This rebranding project cultiminated with the launch of Awana's brand new website, which reflects this new look as well as a new cutting-edge web presence that will help Awana reach more children with the Gospel.

TAG worked with Awana's marketing and technology teams to develop a newly centralized Awana online presence on TAG Tools, our custom CMS.  The website delivers a clean, modern look that reflects the strong and organized global brand messaging and visual brand elements while integrating product sales and content marketing throughout.  

In addition to using the powerful CMS, the Awana site has many unique features that make it top-of-the-line:

  • consolidation of multiple web properties into one
  • regional sub sections showcasing region specific information
  • cause marketing sites with unique design and layout
  • a Club Finder interactive map
  • integration with Sales Force and DemandWare
  • customer work flow manager within the admin for easy delegation of web responsibilities
  • stories featured throughout the site and easy online submission

One of the most rewarding aspects of our work on this project was the opportunity to go with the Awana team on multiple international video and photo shoots. TAG Creative Director Chris Ward and Video Director David McKay traveled to Tanzania and Nepal to capture original, outcome-focused visuals of Awana in real life. These photos are used throughout the new global brand, showing Awana's presence around the world.

Congratulations to you, Awana—our client and partner in reaching others with the gospel! We are so proud of your “makeover” and honored to have been a part of your “dramatic transformation” so that others may experience the ultimate transformation: life in Christ.    


Digital Growth Strategies