Download Our Free Ministry & Technology Guide
By Diana Marsh
You get it. Technology is a BIG deal.
By now you've been told countless times that technology is a critical ministry tool. However, would you believe that:
- Only 36% of ministries have a written strategic plan for using technology.
- 59% of organizations do not have a single employee whose sole job is related to technology.
- Only 22% have a mobile marketing strategy.
- 15% that accept online donations do not even know what percentage of revenue is given online.
Though we know it’s important, actually embracing technology can be a daunting task. To help take some of the guesswork out, The A Group surveyed 50 top ministry leaders to learn just how their organizations are embracing online strategy, using digital communications, and fundraising online. We published the findings along with several success stories from ministries and organizations that have embraced technology in our free Ministry and Technology white paper. From incredible stats about the state of technology today to spotlights on real ministries such as The Church at Brook Hills, TWR, The MET, Ministry Matters, Soles4Souls, and Cross Point Church, Ministry and Technology will help you learn how your organization can lead the way and reach more people using today’s most important tech tools.
It's no longer a question of IF ministries must embrace technology; it's a question of HOW. Download the white paper to learn from your peers, see where you stack up, and harness the top 5 tech trends you cannot ignore in 2014.