Recently Google estimated that the same amount of content that was created from the beginning of time until 2003 is now created every 2 days. Hard to comprehend. Maybe just as difficult to understand is the dramatic impact on the process of delivering content in such a fast-paced, crowded space. Yet for those with established platforms and a great message, a new opportunity is emerging.

Dr. Tim Elmore (President, Growing Leaders) recognized that opportunity.  A published author with 25 books, speaking engagements in prestigious universities and organizations across the country, and a large following of those dedicated to student leadership, Dr. Elmore had two requirements: 1) Publish a new book with a time-sensitive message in 6 months. 2) Retain ownership of his intellectual property - in this case, the book copy, the graphics, the charts and the message as a whole.  For Tim, the ability to get an urgent message to his audience in a short time was paramount. And owning IP would allow him to alter that content as necessary to provide additional resources in multiple formats, to quickly respond to reader feedback.

When we began working with Tim in February, it was obvious that traditional publishing would not meet his needs. It was time to charter a new course. We set to work forming a dream team – publicists, marketers, creatives, techies. With this team, we:

  • defined the brand

  • reviewed the content and selected delivery networks

  • refined the message - graphics, editorial, titling, video promo (above)

  • identified and located the audience groups

  • developed the distribution and marketing plan

  • built an action-oriented resource site

  • leveraged existing followers and networks

  • and released the book - from concept to release - in 6 months. Unheard of by traditional standards.


This week, Generation iY released and officially marked a milestone.  The sprint to release this book is done. The evolution of delivering content in a new world - with new rules - has just begun.

Who else do you know that has recognized the opportunity to write their own rules?

Digital Growth Strategies