SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations, but if you think it’s only for power suit PowerPoints, think again. There’s a reason Forbes dubbed it the quiet giant of social media.

With 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million pageviews, SlideShare is one of the most visited 200 websites in the world and is also a great way to get more eyeballs on your PDFs, videos, and webinars.

We recently worked with youth ministry client Student Leadership University to promote their Think Bigger webinar series. This is the second year we’ve developed strategies for promoting the series, but the first time we utilized SlideShare, and it was a huge success. The SlideShare presentations related to the series generated five times more visits than the webinars themselves.

Your social media strategy for 2014 should include SlideShare. Not only it is great for sharing your story, but it’s also a positive SEO booster, with the potential to impact prospective partners, donors, or volunteers.

Here are 10 ways your organization can use SlideShare:

  1. Highlight annual milestones
  2. Promote webinar highlights
  3. Bullet main ideas of a blog post and link to full post
  4. Feature speaker quotes from a conference or seminar
  5. Promote your annual report
  6. Introduce your staff
  7. Create new content or repurpose your existing presentations, case studies, white papers, and brochures
  8. Embed SlideShare presentations into blog posts
  9. Network with other organizations in your niche by following, liking, and sharing their content
  10. Embed YouTube videos


Don’t forget that brevity is key to SlideShare success, as are visuals. And it’s usually best to limit your slides so visitors don’t get turned off; 19 is the average number of slides; stick to no more than 30. Last, but not least, be sure to include clickable hyperlinks within your SlideShare PDF as often as possible to drive traffic back to your organization’s website or blog.

As visual content becomes more relevant, SlideShare will only continue to grow and become an essential tool in your content marketing toolbox.

Digital Growth Strategies