The pandemic is sort of over, but we don’t quite know what this new normal will be. Lately, I have been asked for career advice from friends, and even from some people I barely know.

I’m not an HR professional, but I have found insight from my professional journey that will be helpful if you are at a crossroads with your job or career.I have seen a lot of change at my age, and I have had to reinvent myself a few times. So what’s my latest iteration? I’m all in on digital funnel strategies to help organizations grow faster and make a bigger impact while getting deep into web 3.0 technologies.

Here are some of the challenges I have seen emerge in the past two years rephrased as opportunities. Applying this rephrasing to your circumstance will give you the confidence to move forward with courage.

Challenge: The pandemic disrupted our entire world in many ways.
Opportunity: The pandemic reset happened for everyone.

Nothing seems like it’s the same, especially our work lives. Jobs come and go, and there appears to be a complete basket turnover when it comes to careers.While that is true, you are now on the same learning curve as most of the world. You are not behind the times. You are WITH the times, but this dynamic will only last a little while. So please take advantage of this opportunity before it goes away.

Challenge: Most of what we did before 2020 is no longer working.
Opportunity: Knowledge is ubiquitous.

Experience in navigating challenges is not.While there’s a YouTube or Tik Tok video for every question we can think of; the ability to work with people to solve these problems is a more powerful tool. Use your experience, people skills, and temperament to set you apart.You might have 10, 20, or even 30 years of professional experience, but experts are now made in many sectors in months instead of years. So leverage your emotional and professional experience while you learn new skills.You’ll always have a job if you know how to help people solve problems, sell products and services or create experiences.

Challenge: I feel like I have to pay my dues all over again.
Opportunity: You get to be relevant and make a greater impact.If you feel like you have worked hard and paid your dues, you need to let go of your entitlement.If that’s how you feel, you should retire.

The pandemic accelerated a lot of change and brought an entirely new economy. If you are to continue contributing to this new world, you need to learn new skills and retool your way of thinking about life.If you are not ready to quit, then get ready to learn.

Life Tenant

Perseverance has always won the day. It will continue to be the best weapon in your career and life.

One of my favorite quotes is from Winston Churchill: “When you are going through hell, keep going.”

Most of us don’t like change. Change, even the positive kind, often puts us out of our comfort. Change can be messy. It can make us feel like we are not in control.

But that’s how learning has to happen. During the learning process, we go from ignorance to enlightenment, from confusion to clarity.

Three years ago, I embarked on a journey to understand how digital funnels worked and how I could use them to grow businesses, churches, and nonprofits. I wrestled with the concepts and technology, attended seminars, workshops, and boot camps, and listened to hundreds of hours of digital strategy podcasts.

Today my team and I are developing and deploying some of the most successful digital funnel results by any standards.

I currently coach a group of nonprofit digital marketers from 11 countries who are making a global impact. This would never have happened without taking the first step into learning something new.It took me months to find my footing and work through the fog before I could get clarity and find success.

My question to you is:
What’s something new you should learn or tackle so you can make a bigger impact in your organization and world?

Digital Growth Strategies